Author: keiserco

Gencon, Indianapolis, 2022 w/Megagame Coalition

Wow… Was that an experience! Three games back-to-back-to-back. No real time to make significant adjustments between the games. Let me say… IT WAS ROUGH… :-/ I overengineered most things and at the same time didn’t properly instruct my gamemasters as to how things should run. This created chaos and trouble for all involved. However… We…
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Protospiel Michigan-2022

Another Protospiel… These things are amazing in getting in front of the right people to playtest and get feedback on your ongoing gaming project. This year in Chelsea, MI was no different. I saw some repeat designers from Indy and met a bunch of designers that I had never met before. I played a bunch…
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Protospiel 2022 – Indy

May 19th-22nd, 2022 – In a suburb outside of Indianapolis, IN. I attended my first Protospiel. It was quite the experience. Not only did I get some great testing on Uberspace, but I also met several wonderful people who I collaborated with on their games as well as my own. I’ve made several rather important…
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2nd “Partial” Playtest day

Games4Life was again a most gracious host for my playtest ( 207 N Park BlvdLake Orion, Michigan 48362) Look for their monthly playtest events! Wow.. Another day full of learning for me. I spent the last two weeks working on all the things that were pointed out were not finished or wrong from the FIRST…
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1st Partial Play-test Complete!

Thank you Games4Life (Board game shop 207 N Park Blvd, Lake Orion, MI 48362-3149) for hosing my first playtest! I had 6 players and a scattering of onlookers. I LEARNED A LOT! I took pages of notes and came up with at least a week worth of To-Do’s to be complete BEFORE the next…
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GenCon 2019

GenCon 2019 is where the recent-chapter of my saga started. I’ve been working on a StarShip Simulator for literally decades and have had mixed results. Shortly before the Indianapolis mega-convention that is Gencon (Indianapolis, IN, 70K attendance) I learned of this NEW type of gaming called “Megagames”. Filled with curiosity, my weeks-long Internet research mission…
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